
Why and how to send signals to a single OTLP end-point and from there to backends

The gateway collector deployment pattern consists of applications (or other collectors) sending telemetry signals to a single OTLP endpoint provided by one or more collector instances running as a standalone service (for example, a deployment in Kubernetes), typically per cluster, per data center or per region.

In the general case you can use an out-of-the-box load balancer to distribute the load amongst the collectors:

Gateway deployment concept

For use cases where the processing of the telemetry data processing has to happen in a specific collector, you would use a two-tiered setup with a collector that has a pipeline configured with the Trace ID/Service-name aware load-balancing exporter in the first tier and the collectors handling the scale out in the second tier. For example, you will need to use the load-balancing exporter when using the Tail Sampling processor so that all spans for a given trace reach the same collector instance where the tail sampling policy is applied.

Let’s have a look at such a case where we are using the load-balancing exporter:

Gateway deployment with load-balancing exporter
  1. In the app, the SDK is configured to send OTLP data to a central location.
  2. A collector configured using the load-balancing exporter that distributes signals to a group of collectors.
  3. The collectors are configured to send telemetry data to one or more backends.


NGINX as an “out-of-the-box” load balancer

Assuming you have three collectors (collector1, collector2, and collector3) configured and you want to load balance traffic across them using NGINX, you can use the following configuration:

server { listen 4317 http2; server_name _; location / { grpc_pass grpc://collector4317; grpc_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500; grpc_connect_timeout 2; grpc_set_header Host $host; grpc_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; grpc_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } } server { listen 4318; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass http://collector4318; proxy_redirect off; proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500; proxy_connect_timeout 2; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } } upstream collector4317 { server collector1:4317; server collector2:4317; server collector3:4317; } upstream collector4318 { server collector1:4318; server collector2:4318; server collector3:4318; }

load-balancing exporter

For a concrete example of the centralized collector deployment pattern we first need to have a closer look at the load-balancing exporter. It has two main configuration fields:

  • The resolver, which determines where to find the downstream collectors (or: backends). If you use the static sub-key here, you will have to manually enumerate the collector URLs. The other supported resolver is the DNS resolver which will periodically check for updates and resolve IP addresses. For this resolver type, the hostname sub-key specifies the hostname to query in order to obtain the list of IP addresses.
  • With the routing_key field you tell the load-balancing exporter to route spans to specific downstream collectors. If you set this field to traceID (default) then the Load-balancing exporter exports spans based on their traceID. Otherwise, if you use service as the value for routing_key, it exports spans based on their service name which is useful when using connectors like the Span Metrics connector, so all spans of a service will be send to the same downstream collector for metric collection, guaranteeing accurate aggregations.

The first-tier collector servicing the OTLP endpoint would be configured as shown below:

receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: exporters: loadbalancing: protocol: otlp: tls: insecure: true resolver: static: hostnames: - - - service: pipelines: traces: receivers: [otlp] exporters: [loadbalancing]
receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: exporters: loadbalancing: protocol: otlp: tls: insecure: true resolver: dns: hostname: service: pipelines: traces: receivers: [otlp] exporters: [loadbalancing]
receivers: otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: exporters: loadbalancing: routing_key: service protocol: otlp: tls: insecure: true resolver: dns: hostname: port: 5317 service: pipelines: traces: receivers: [otlp] exporters: [loadbalancing]

The load-balancing exporter emits metrics including otelcol_loadbalancer_num_backends and otelcol_loadbalancer_backend_latency that you can use for health and performance monitoring of the OTLP endpoint collector.

Combined deployment of Collectors as agents and gateways

Often a deployment of multiple OpenTelemetry collectors involves running both Collector as gateways and as agents.

The following diagram shows an architecture for such a combined deployment:

  • We use the Collectors running in the agent deployment pattern (running on each host, similar to Kubernetes daemonsets) to collect telemetry from services running on the host and host telemetry, such as host metrics and scrap logs.
  • We use Collectors running in the gateway deployment pattern to process data, such as filtering, sampling, and exporting to backends etc.

This combined deployment pattern is necessary, when you use components in your Collector that either need to be unique per host or that consume information that is only available on the same host as the application is running:

  • Receivers like the hostmetricsreceiver or filelogreceiver need to be unique per host instance. Running multiple instances of these receivers will result in duplicated data.

  • Processors like the resourcedetectionprocessor are used to add information about the host, the collector and the application are running on. Running them within a Collector on a remote machine will result in incorrect data.



  • Separation of concerns such as centrally managed credentials
  • Centralized policy management (for example, filtering certain logs or sampling)


  • It’s one more thing to maintain and that can fail (complexity)
  • Added latency in case of cascaded collectors
  • Higher overall resource usage (costs)

Multiple collectors and the single-writer principle

All metric data streams within OTLP must have a single writer. When deploying multiple collectors in a gateway configuration, it’s important to ensure that all metric data streams have a single writer and a globally unique identity.

Potential problems

Concurrent access from multiple applications that modify or report on the same data can lead to data loss or degraded data quality. For example, you might see inconsistent data from multiple sources on the same resource, where the different sources can overwrite each other because the resource is not uniquely identified.

There are patterns in the data that may provide some insight into whether this is happening or not. For example, upon visual inspection, a series with unexplained gaps or jumps in the same series may be a clue that multiple collectors are sending the same samples. You might also see errors in your backend. For example, with a Prometheus backend:

Error on ingesting out-of-order samples

This error could indicate that identical targets exist in two jobs, and the order of the timestamps is incorrect. For example:

  • Metric M1 received at T1 with a timestamp 13:56:04 with value 100
  • Metric M1 received at T2 with a timestamp 13:56:24 with value 120
  • Metric M1 received at T3 with a timestamp 13:56:04 with value 110
  • Metric M1 received at time 13:56:24 with value 120
  • Metric M1 received at time 13:56:04 with value 110

Best practices